MENOPAUSE Aromatherapy Snuffer

MENOPAUSE Aromatherapy Snuffer
For instant, lasting, relief from the effects of Menopause, ( Hot flushes, Headaches, bloating.), just a couple of sniffs, (full instructions are provided) the effects are felt , quickly and quietly and you are NOT left sleepy, or groggy, these are Essential Oils of Geranium, Grapefruit, Neroli, Jasmine and Lime are safe and natural.

You can carry the Wand with you where ever you go, discreet, portable.
Keep one in your pocket, handbag, , glove box, any where, and, at this price keep a couple so you don't loose one.
Only the finest Essential oils have been used,. There are other blends available for Travel/nausea, Libido Lifter, Menopause, Stress, Morning sickness, Migraine, Focus/Memory boost, Insomnia, Anxiety Ease, PMT relief,
NZ$ 7.00 including GST
NZ$ 6.09 excluding GST
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